Who We Are

PropShare was founded by two students from the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA) as a way to help people achieve financial stability

Our Story

As soon to be college students, we constantly worried about how we were going to achieve financial stability during our time in college. It seemed like a very difficult challenge because we expected to be hit with cost of college tuition, which has only been increasing in recent years, and on top of that we would not have much time to earn money. We looked into the best ways to make money passively, and the most popular answer: real estate.

In fact, over 90% of millionaires credit their wealth to real estate due to its highly lucrative returns. So, we tried to see if we could purchase real estate, but soon realized that entry into the market is very difficult. The average down payment on a home is around $35,000. Additionally, purchasing a property is a lengthy and expensive process that involves many people (banks, brokers, etc).

Tatyana Pronitcheva (left) Shridhar Mehendale (right)

We realized that this problem was affecting many people worldwide. A survey conducted by CNBC found that only 12% of all Americans invested in real estate in 2022.

The current solutions implemented by the financial industry were simply inadequate and inefficient for solving this problem. So that is why we developed PropShare. Now people and students all over the globe have easy access to the real estate industry, bringing them one step closer to financial stability.

Our Vision

We envision a world where the wealth of the financial industry is distributed equally. _____

Our Team

Shridhar Mehendale ('25)

Co-Founder & CEO

Tatyana Pronitcheva ('24)


Shridhar Mehendale is an aspiring finance and computer science major with a strong interest in leveraging blockchain technology within the financial industry.

He is currently interning as a business analyst at a startup company. His work has taught him the very fundamentals of business development which he brought over to PropShare.

Tatyana Pronitcheva ___________